Our services Comprehensive provision of metrological activities

Provision of complex services with regard to the needs of customers

The service of the comprehensive provision of metrological activities is a tool enabling a long-term concentration of the company on its basic entrepreneurial activities, that means the elimination the time losses due to the necessity to solve problems declining the company of its main activities, and a tool for decreasing the operational costs in form of increasing the efficiency of the employees´ work, decreasing the expenses for the internal human resources and their education in the fields not directly connected with the principal activities of the company.

Within the scope of the above mentioned service, we provide for our clients:

  • regular metrological control of the measuring instruments, eliminating in this way even 90 % of errors and complications caused by measuring processes,
  • top quality services and solution of the metrological problems, resulting also in higher quality of the products and services,
  • delegation of the direct responsibility for the measuring instruments to our organisation,
  • effective planning of costs for this activity.

The range of the presented service is influenced both by the individual requirements of our clients and the rate of complexity of provided services required by their party.

More information:

Ing. Tomáš Švantner, Phone 048 4719 151, email : svantner@slm.sk
